{{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.copy_link' | translate }}

{{ 'in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }}

{{ (item.variation.media ? item.variation.media.alt_translations : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel }} {{ (item.variation.media
                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
{{ 'product.bundled_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.bundle_group_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.gift.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{ field.name_translations | translateModel }}
  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} 點
{{addonItem.product.cover_media.alt_translations | translateModel}}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}


MegaBox Jetso eShop 購物條款及細則
MegaBox Jetso eShop(下稱「eShop」)由MEGABOX DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED(下稱「MDCL」或「我們」)管理及運作,閣下於本eShop購物受以下條款及細則約束。請細閱以下條款及細則,閣下於本eShop下單,即表示閣下同意已閱讀、瞭解與接受本條款及細則,包括任何在eShop或透過超連結取得的額外條款及細則與任何政策。 

1. 本eShop的購買者必須年滿18歲或以上。 
2. 於本eShop下單時,閣下將需要提供個人資料,包括姓名、有效的電郵地址及手機號碼。閣下不可提供虛假資料,包括虛假姓名、電郵地址及/或聯絡資料或虛假付款資料,亦不可利用購買之商品私自/容許他人進行不合法的活動。 
3. 閣下在eShop下單並點擊「確認」前,必須審閱與確認提供的所有資訊,包括金額、取貨資料、個人資料、付款資訊等,都必須是真實、正確與完整。MDCL不會就因資料錯誤、不實、不完整或未更新而引致的損失負上任何責任。 
4. 當閣下下單,我們會以電郵方式確認收到閣下之訂單。當我們電郵通知閣下可領取訂單商品時,即代表我們接納了訂單,並且包含本條款及細則的合約同時成立。如我們合理地懷疑或查出任何欺詐、不合法或不正常的行為或活動,MDCL保留隨時取消本合約的權利而毋須承擔任何導致閣下損失的責任。   
5. 訂單一經確認,不可作任何修改、取消、退款、轉換其他產品、兌換現金或轉讓。 
6. 閣下於本eShop購買之商品只可作私人及非商業用途,不可轉售。 
7. 所有貨品數量有限,售完即止。MDCL保留以書面通知不接納顧客訂單或取消合約之權利,除付還不接納訂單或取消合約之銀碼外,MDCL不需為任何招致的損失及費用承擔任何責任。

8. 本eShop之付款由第三方支付服務供應商處理。確認付款即代表閣下同意第三方支付服務供應商的條款及細則,有關信用卡/銀行資訊將由第三方支付服務供應商收集、處理及儲存。 閣下須自行承擔因網上支付此而產生的任何捐失及責任,MDCL毋須就此所衍生的任何捐失及責任承擔任何責任。
9. 閣下必須確保用以付款之信用卡或相關的電子錢包內有足夠資金可支付訂單款項,如因付款賬戶資金不足以致未能成功訂購,MDCL不會承擔任何責任。
10. 如閣下於提交訂單時使用信用卡付款,即表示確認有關的信用卡交易已獲得正式授權。如果發卡銀行拒絕授權付款予MDCL,受影響之訂單將被取消,而MDCL概不承擔任何責任或賠償。 
11. 於本eShop進行之所有消費及訂購,均不可參加商場之任何推廣活動,包括登記Mega Club積分、任何禮品換領、免費泊車優惠換領。而使用於本eShop購買之現金券之金額,則可參與Mega Club 積分登記、其他禮品換領及換領泊車優惠。有關推廣活動詳情及相關條款及細則,請瀏覽 www.megabox.com.hk

12. 本eShop提供的貨品或設有每日配額,並以先到先得之形式發售,售完即止。 
13. 於本eShop購買或換領之現金券或不可與MDCL 在MegaBox /eShop 的其他推廣活動同時使用。 
14. 所有於本eShop 售賣之現金券及/或商品均由eShop及相關現金券及/或商品上標示的商戶提供。 
15. 本eShop顯示的所有相片及價值只供參考。 
16. 所有貨品不設退款、轉讓、轉售,及不可兌換現金或其他現金券、禮券、優惠券、貨品及服務。 
17. MDCL將在商業合理努力下核對及更新本eShop 標示的價錢,但並不就任何產品描述的錯誤或違漏承擔任何責任。我們保留更換、更改、取代、終止及移除任何eShop上的產品或資料的權利而不須事先通知。 
18. MDCL並不代表或保證產品的完整性及合適度。MDCL亦不會為產品的質素、安全性、易用性及其他方面承擔任何責任。閣下知悉並且同意自行承擔使用或藉由本eShop存取或取得的任何內容、貨品、產品、或服務的風險。 

19. 付款完成後,所登記之電郵將收取系統發出之訂單確認電郵,並會在訂單確認後的3-5個工作天內收到送貨狀更新電郵,當送貨狀態更新為「已到達」後,請於30日內根據以下時間及地點取貨﹕ 
(i) 領取現金券:
取貨地點﹕MegaBox 禮品換領/Mega Club專櫃 @ G 
取貨時間﹕12:00nn – 10:00pm 
(ii) 領取商品:
20. 當閣下領取貨品或安排送貨時,MegaBox 及商戶門市之工作人員有權向閣下索取購買的相關資料,以查證購買貨品及購買者身份。 
21. 如遇惡劣天氣(例如﹕天文台宣佈懸掛8號或以上颱風警告或黑色暴雨警告),領取貨品服務有機會需另作安排,惟有關貨品之領取及使用有效期將維持不變。 
22. 當領取現金券及/或商品時,閣下須即時檢驗所換領之現金券及/或商品,換領過後,現金券及/或商品在任何情況下均不會獲補發或更換。 

23. 現金券由各參與商戶發行並只適用於各商戶的指定分店。現金券受各商戶之條款及細則約束,閣下必須遵照各商戶列明於現金券上的使用條款及細則,詳情請參閱各現金券。如有任何查詢,請聯絡各相關商戶。 
24. 現金券逾期無效,逾期未領取或未使用之現金券恕不設退款或更換。 
25. 如商戶未到期之現金券因該商戶於MegaBox之分店停止營業而未能使用,MDCL將盡快公佈相關安排,並由MDCL 選擇向閣下更換同等價值之現金券(如適用)或退還現金券之購買價。 
26. 閣下必須親身於發行商戶之指定分店使用現金券。任何違反本條款及細則之現金券使用,MDCL保留註銷該現金券效用的權利。

27. 所有商戶商品數量有限,售完即止。
28. 就所有商戶商品之買賣交易,MDCL並非該等商品的賣家或供應商。MDCL僅負責管理本網站、處理訂單及轉交顧客支付之款項予售賣商品之商戶。於任何情況下,MDCL並不對任何人因顧客購買及使用商戶商品而導致的任何損失或損害,而承擔任何責任。
29. 閣下於訂購商戶商品前,應自行向商戶了解清楚商戶訂明的退貨或更換政策,並於提取商戶商品時必須檢查清楚該商品。如商戶接受退貨或更換商品,閣下仍需自行直接與有關商戶跟進處理。於任何情況下,MDCL概不接受顧客退貨或更換商品。
30. 部分商戶商品或不設門市自取及只限送貨,並或會因此而衍生額外送貨費用。閣下於訂購商戶商品前,應自行瀏覽個別商品頁之商品詳情,及向商戶了解清楚商戶訂明的送貨收費及政策。於任何情況下,MDCL概不承擔顧客領取商品及/或安排商品送貨所衍生之任何額外費用、損失或損害。
31. 顧客購買商戶商品後,如因商戶結業而未能換領其商戶商品,一切風險及損失由顧客獨自承擔,MDCL概不負責。
32. 所有商戶商品之換領信(訂單確認電郵)須於註明之最後有效日期前或當日使用,逾期作廢,概不補發。
33. 所有商戶商品之圖片及資料只供參考,產品圖片及描述與實物或有區別,產品外觀及細節均以實物及商戶提供為準。所有貨品名稱及品牌之商標或註冊商標均為個別公司/公司持有人所擁有。
34. 所有與商戶商品有關之描述(包括而不限於尺寸、物料、顏色、成分、有效日期等,如適用)由有關商戶直接提供, 因此,所有有關責任亦由商戶全權負責。
35. MDCL並不聲明或保證任何商品將具備可商售品質或將適合任何用途(儘管已事先將該用途通知我們)。

36. 任何因網絡問題、系統固障、電話接收不良、被第三方應用程式攔截或因閣下提供的資料有任何不完整、不正確或遺漏,而引致顧客所遞交或接收的資料有遲延、遺失、錯誤或損壞等情況,令訂單/交易未能完成、確認電郵未能送達及/或其他有關訂單/交易的問題,MDCL概不承擔任何責任。為完成訂單處理,閣下有責任提供完整、正確及真實的資料,包括聯絡資料及付款資料。 
37. 在法律許可的最大範圍內,MDCL(包括其員工、董事、代理人、代表、關聯公司及母公司)概不承擔任何因閣下或任何第三方就有關本eShop、其貨品、服務及連結到本eShop的任何網站,及其中所發佈的任何內容或資料等所招致的損失之任何責任(不論因合約、疏忽或其他方式)。如因閣下使用eShop而招致任何間接、特別、意外性、因果性或懲罰性損害賠償之任何索償,MDCL概不承擔任何責任。 
38. MDCL不會就eShop內商戶所提供的貨品(包括餐飲)之數量、品質、狀態或其他表述承擔任何責任,或就eShop內顯示的資訊(包括貨品相片及圖像)之準確性或完整性提供任何保證。 
39. 於法例許可的範圍下,MDCL排除因以下原因對閣下的所有責任 (不論於合約、侵權或其他形式出現及不論是否因MDCL的疏忽):
(i) 就本eShop (包括使用應用程式或軟件)或其中的任何資料或相關的任何技術性、事實、文本或印刷上的不準確、錯誤或遺漏;
(ii) 未能提供本eShop(或其任何部份)、商品或服務;
(iii) 任何延遲提供,或未能提供或使商品或服務可取用,或任何對商品或服務的疏忽提供;
(iv) 任何商品不具備可商售品質或適合其預期用途;或
(v) 任何有關本eShop、商品或服務的失實陳述。
40. 如因任何超越我們合理控制範圍的情況而阻礙或防止我們執行於本條款及細則的義務,MDCL 並不承擔任何違反義務的責任。 
41. MDCL的責任在任何情況下將不超過閣下購買的貨品之價格。 
42. 就有關閣下使用本eShop或閣下違反本條款所造成的任何與所有第三方索賠、責任、損害與/或損失(包括但不限於法律費用),閣下同意彌償、抗辯、與保護MDCL(包括其員工、董事、代理人、代表、關聯公司及母公司),使其免責。
43. 除法例規定以外:
(i) MDCL將不就任何間接或相應而生的損失、損害或費用向閣下負責,包括由任何閣下知會MDCL的問題而引起的利潤、業務或商譽的損失,及
(ii) MDCL將無責任以賠償方式向閣下支付任何款項,除非於此等條款及細則另有訂明。
(iii) 閣下必須遵守及符合所有適用規例及法例,包括取得所有從本eShop購買商品所需的海關、進口或其他許可。MDCL不就閣下購買的商品的出口或進口作任何陳述或承擔任何責任。
(iv) 閣下同意此等限制就本eShop性質而言均屬合理,尤其是由於當閣下透過本eShop購買商品時,將每次與出售商品之商戶訂立獨立的合約。
(v) 以上排除概不影響任何不可被排除的法定權利。然而,於該情況下,MDCL的責任(於法律許可下)將限於向閣下再供應服務或商品。
(vi) 以上各項排除或限制應被闡釋為此等條款及細則中獨立及可分割的條文。

44. MDCL保留註銷、停止、更改、拒絕使用任何優惠的權利而無須事先通知,及免受任何責任。 
45. 閣下同意並允許MDCL及其關聯企業依據本公司私隱政策蒐集、使用、處理及披露閣下的個人資料。 
46. 如我們發現閣下於存取及/或使用本eShop時有任何(包括而不限於)不能接受或違反本條款及細則的行為,MDCL保留終止或中斷閣下存取或使用本eShop的權利而不作任何通知。
47. MDCL保留於任何時間單方面修訂本條款及細則之權利,而毋須作任何通知或對任何人士承擔任何責任。修訂的條款將於發佈後即時生效,如閣下繼續於本eShop購物,即代表閣下同意最新的條款及細則,以及受最新的條款及細則所約束。如有任何爭議,MDCL保留最終決定權。 
48. 除MDCL(包括我們的繼任者及受讓人)及已於eShop購物的顧客外,沒有其他人擁有《合約(第三者權利)條例》的權利,執行及受惠於上述的條款。
49. 本條款的任何條文若失效或失去約束力,不影響本條款剩餘條文的效力及約束力,其他條文均繼續生效。 
50. 本條款受香港特別行政區的法律規管,並按照香港特別行政區的法律詮釋。 
51. 上述條款之英文版本與中文譯本若意義有不符之處,一概以英文版本為準。

MegaBox Jetso eShop使用條款及細則
MegaBox Jetso eShop(下稱「eShop」)由MEGABOX DEVELOPMENT COMPANY(下稱「MDCL」或「我們」)管理及營運。使用eShop受以下條款及細則(下稱「條款及細則」)約束。如使用eShop,即代表閣下接受及同意所有有關的條款及細則。我們有權隨時更改條款及細則而毋須預先通知閣下。閣下繼續使用eShop代表閣下接受條款及細則的更新或修改。如果閣下不同意被條款與細則或相關的改動所約束,請勿使用eShop。

閣下可透過eShop使用不同的電子功能及取得關於 MegaBox 的服務及活動的推廣及宣傳資訊。











儘管我們已盡一切努力確保eShop的安全性、功能性和準確性,在法律允許的最大範圍內,我們對閣下或任何人造成的(不論是在侵權法、合同法、衡平法或其他等)任何損失或損害(包括但不限於直接或間接損失、利潤或資料損失、或特殊的、附帶的、懲罰性或後果性的損失)無需承擔責任,而該損失或因以下情況導致或有關:(i) 使用、參考或依據eShop中的任何內容或材料;(ii) eShop中的任何內容或材料中的任何不準確、遺漏、不正確表述或錯誤;(iii) 訪問或使用eShop中的電子功能;(iv) 經未被授權的第三方訪問或使用eShop上保存之資訊或通過eShop存取任何資訊;(v) eShop導致的任何延遲、中斷、缺陷、故障或技術錯誤;(vi) 第三方導致的任何行為、遺漏、錯誤、擔保、承諾、違反或疏忽,或由於閣下使用eShop中的第三方網站、應用程式、產品或服務而導致的任何傷害、疾病、死亡、損失或損害;或 (vii) 我們對eShop中提供的產品或服務的履行或不履行(不論閣下已被告知上述任何或全部情況的可能性與否)。







如閣下對eShop有任何疑問或疑慮,請透過電郵 eshop.enquiries@megabox.com.hk 或電話 (852) 2989 3000 聯絡我們的顧客服務主任。

本個人資料收集聲明(下稱「本聲明」)適用於MEGABOX DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED(下稱「MDCL」或「我們」)就此聲明所列明之目的及用途向閣下處收集或閣下向我們提供的任何個人資料。




「個人資料」是任何有關於閣下並能夠辨認 閣下身份的資料。我們可能向閣下收集的個人資料包括閣下的名字、電郵及聯絡電話。 


「非個人資料」包括於使用本網站時的資料/數據,如存取時間、曾瀏覽的網頁、網絡協議位址(IP address)、瀏覽器類別、操作系統及人口統計等。此等非個人資料並不能個別辨認閣下身份或任何瀏覽本網站的個別訪客之身份。我們只會收集此等非個人資料作定制、提升、維護、改善及優化本網站的用途,並用作客戶統計及網站使用分析。本聲明並不會對我們收集及使用該等非個人資料構成任何限制或局限。 





大部份瀏覽器最初設定是接受Cookies。 閣下可以透過更改Cookies設定選擇不接受網頁的Cookies。但若閣下選擇關閉其電腦/電子裝置接受Cookies的設定, 閣下可能無法使用網頁上的某些功能。 





傳真:(852) 2967 1687 



MegaBox Jetso eShop Purchase Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions (“Terms”) govern your purchase of items available on MegaBox Jetso eShop (“eShop”) which is managed and operated by MegaBox Development Company Limited (referred to as “MDCL/we/us”). Please read these Terms carefully. By placing your orders on the eShop, you agree that you have read, understood and accepted the Terms including any additional terms and conditions and any policies referenced herein, available on the eShop or available by hyperlink.

Making an order
  1. You must be at least 18 years of age to make any purchase on the eShop. 
  2. Before you can place an order on the eShop, you will need to  provide your personal information including your name, email address and mobile phone number. You shall not provide false information including false names, addresses and/or contact or payment details; or engage in any unlawful activity in connection with the purchase or use of the items, or allow anyone else to do so.
  3. You shall review and confirm that all the information provided, including the amounts, pick up details, personal details and payment information, is true, accurate and complete before clicking “Confirm” when placing any Orders. MegaBox shall not be responsible for any loss or liability in events that any aforementioned information provided are incorrect, inaccurate, incomplete, or not up to date.
  4. When you submit an order, we will send you an email acknowledging receipt of your order. Our acceptance of the order takes place and a contract containing these Terms comes into existence when we send you email confirming that the ordered items are ready for collection. Nevertheless, MDCL expressly reserves the right to cancel the contract at any time without being liable for any damage or costs if we reasonably suspect or detect any fraudulent, unlawful or unusual behavior or activity associated with your order.
  5. Once the order is submitted, no modification, cancellation, refund, exchange shall be made.
  6. Any purchase of items on the eShop is for your personal and non-commercial use only and such items shall not be used for resale purpose.
  7. Fulfillment of all orders on the eShop is subject to availability. MDCL explicitly reserves the right not to accept your order or cancel a contract for whatever reason by written notice to you without being liable for any damage or costs other than repayment of any amount received from you in relation to the order we rejected or the contract we cancelled.
  1. The online payment transactions are processed via third party payment service provider. By making the purchase, you shall be deemed to have agreed and accepted that the transactions are subject to the terms and conditions of the payment service provider and your bank information (as the case may be) will be collected, processed, and kept by the payment service provider. You are solely and exclusively responsible for any loss or liability incurred or sustained by you in making the online payment transactions and MDCL shall not be responsible for any loss or liability in any event. 
  2. Customers must ensure that sufficient fund on related wallet to fulfil payment on an Order. MegaBox and the participating merchants/suppliers will not bear any responsibility in any case of failure of order placement caused by insufficient fund.
  3. All purchase and transaction at the eShop are not eligible for any promotion, rewards, redemption activities of malls, including Mega Club bonus point redemption, gifts redemption, and free parking redemption. However, the transaction amount with the redemption of any cash vouchers purchased from the eShop can be used for Mega Club bonus point earning, gifts redemption and free parking redemption. Please visit www.megabox.com.hk for the promotion details and the relevant terms and conditions shall apply.
Items description and price
  1. Items displayed on the eShop for sale may be subject to daily quotas and are available on a first-come, first-served basis while stocks last.
  2. The purchase of items and/or the redemption of any cash vouchers purchased on the eShop may not be used in conjunction with other promotion activities organized by MDCL at MegaBox or on the eShop.
  3. All items available on eShop are to be supplied and/or provided by the relevant merchants as specified on the eShop and cash vouchers. 
  4. All photos and descriptions on the eShop are for reference only.
  5. All items are non-refundable, non-transferrable, not for resale, non-exchangeable for cash, cash coupon, gift certificate, coupon, products or services.
  6. Whilst MDCL will use reasonable commercial endeavours to display accurate and up to date prices, we are not liable for any errors or omissions on the descriptions of items. We reserve the right to change, modify, substitute, suspend or remove without notice any items or information on the eShop from time to time.
  7. MDCL does not represent or warrant the completeness or fitness for purpose of the items. MDCL shall not be liable for the quality, safety, usability or any other aspect of the items. You acknowledge and agree that use of or reliance upon the eShop and any content, goods, products or services accessed or obtained thereby is at your sole risk and discretion. 
Collection of ordered items
  1. You shall pick up your ordered items in the following manner within 30 days after receiving our email notifying you the status of the ordered items as “Arrived”:
    Pick Up Location: MegaBox Redemption/Mega Club Counter@G
    Pick Up Time: 12:00nn – 10:00pm
    Pick Up Method: Please bring along our email notifying the status of the ordered items 
  2. We reserve the right to request customer to provide necessary information, upon collection of the ordered items for verification of purchase and/or identity.
  3. Collection of items shall be rescheduled or rearranged upon Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.8 or above or Black Rainstorm Warning is hoisted, while the collection deadline and cash vouchers’ expiry date shall remain unchanged.
  4. You are responsible for inspecting the items upon collection and shall raise any issues and/or defects before leaving the aforesaid pick-up location, no exchange of goods or no reissuance of cash vouchers will be entertained afterwards under any circumstances.
Cash vouchers
  1. Cash vouchers are issued by and valid at the merchants’ designated outlets only. Merchant terms and conditions apply. You must follow the redemption instructions associated with the cash vouchers stipulated by the issuing merchants. For details, please refer to the full terms and conditions of the cash vouchers. Please contact the designated merchants for any enquiries.
  2. Cash vouchers will become invalid after the expiry date. No refund or cash exchange will be given for unredeemed or unused cash vouchers that have expired.
  3. In the event that the right to use an unexpired cash voucher becomes extinguished due to the cessation of operation of the issuing merchants at MegaBox, MDCL will notify you as soon as practicable and will offer you at our option, either a new voucher with comparable benefits (if available) or the repayment of your purchased price of the said cash voucher.
  4. You must use the cash vouchers in person at the issuing merchants’ designated outlets. Any attempt to redeem a cash voucher contrary to these Terms may render the cash voucher void at MDCL’s discretion.
Limitation of liability and indemnity
  1. MDCL shall not be responsible in any case of network problems, system malfunctioning, poor phone reception, blocking by third party applications, incomplete/ inaccurate/ missing information provided by you that cause the delay, loss, mistake or corruption of an information transfer, which caused failure of completion of order/transaction, failure of delivery of confirmation email and/or or other issues of order/transaction.  You are obliged to provide information that is complete, accurate and truthful for the proper processing of your order, including your contact details and payment information. 
  2. To the extent permitted by law, MDCL (which shall include its employees, directors, agents, representatives, affiliates and parent company) exclude all liability (whether arising in contract, in negligence or otherwise) for loss or damage which you or any third party may incur in connection with the eShop, services provided thereon, the items you purchased, and any website linked to the eShop and any content or material posted on it. MDCL shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential, or exemplary damages arising from any claim related in any way to your use of the eShop. 
  3. MDCL does not assume any liability for the quantity, quality, condition or other representations of the items (including food and beverages) provided or supplied by the merchants or guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information (including photos and images of the items) displayed on the eShop. 
  4. MDCL is not liable for any breach of an obligation under these Terms where we are hindered or prevented from carrying out our obligation by any cause beyond our reasonable control.
  5. MDCL’s total liability to you shall in no circumstances exceed the amount of the purchase price of the items.
  6. You agree to indemnify, defend, hold harmless MDCL (which shall include our employees, directors, agents, representatives, affiliates and parent company), from any and all third party claims, liability, damages and/or costs (including but not limited to, legal fees) arising from your use of the eShop or breach of these Terms.  
  1. MDCL reserves the right to void, discontinue or reject the use of any promotion offer available on the eShop without prior notice and without incurring any liability.
  2. You agree and consent to MDCL and any of our affiliate companies collecting, using, processing and disclosing your personal data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. 
  3. MDCL shall have the right without any prior notice or warning to terminate or suspend any access to or use of the eShop for any reason, including, without limitation, if we consider in our sole discretion that the access and/or use is unacceptable, or in breach of these Terms.
  4. MDCL reserves the right to unilaterally amend these Terms at any time without notice and without incurring any liability to any party whatsoever. The amended Terms shall be effective immediately upon posting and you agree to the new Terms and be bound by the new Terms at the time you make a purchase. MDCL reserves the right of final decision in case of any dispute.
  5. No person other than MDCL (including our successors and assigns) and you (who have made the purchase on the eShop) will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provision of these Terms.
  6. If any provision of these Terms of Use is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions of these Terms shall not be affected and shall remain in full force and effect. 
  7. These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
  8. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms, the English version shall prevail. 

MegaBox Jetso eShop Terms and Conditions of Use

MegaBox Jetso eShop (“eShop”) is managedand operated by MEGABOX DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LIMITED (“MDCL” or “we”). The useof the eShop is subject to the terms and conditions set out below (“Terms andConditions”). By using any of the services available on the eShop, you will bedeemed to have confirmed that you accept the Terms and Conditions and that youagree to comply with them. We may amend the Terms and Conditions at any timewithout prior notice. Your continued use of any of the services on the eShopafter any such amendment constitutes your acceptance of the amended Terms andConditions. If you do not agree to the Terms and Conditions or any revisedversion of the Term and Conditions, you must refrain from using any services onthe eShop.


Use of the eShop

The eShop allows users to use variousfunctions and provides marketing and promotional information about services andactivities on offer at MegaBox.

The eShop and its content are madeavailable to you for personal, non-commercial use. All items purchased on theeShop should not be for resale purpose. Your access to the eShop should not beused for unlawful, immoral or illegal purposes or for any purpose other thanthose stated in the Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to deny accessto any user who violates the Terms and Conditions, the Privacy Policy or at our sole discretion.

You must not engage in any conduct or doanything that would damage, impair or interfere with the operation or securityof the eShop, the system hosting the eShop, or any of our computer systems.


Intellectual Property

The eShop contains proprietary information,content and materials, including but not limited to text, graphics, images,photographs, videos, music, sound, icons, logos, designs, trade names, patents,trademarks, software codes and technologies (“Content”), that is owned by MDCLand/or third parties and is protected by applicable intellectual property andother laws, including but not limited to copyright. No licence is granted inrespect of those intellectual property rights. Your use and/or access to theeShop does not grant, transfer to or confer upon you any right, title orinterest in the Content.

You must not use, copy, modify, publish,reproduce, distribute, re-transmit, transfer, upload, download, sell, licence,reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the Content, without the priorwritten consent of MDCL except to the extent permitted by applicable laws. Youmust also not engage in any conduct that infringes, violates or misappropriatesand intellectual property rights of MDCL or any other party, and such infringement,violation or misappropriation shall amount to a breach of the Terms andConditions.


Privacy Policy

We respect your privacy and are committedto protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of the personal datayou provide to us or that we otherwise collect about you when you use theeShop. How we collect, use and disclose your personal data is set out in our Privacy Policy and the PersonalInformation Collection Statement.



All reasonable efforts have been made toensure the accuracy of the content and materials displayed on the eShop. Weregularly review the eShop and, where appropriate, will update pages to reflectany changes to the features, functionality and available services of the eShop.

The eShop, the content and materials, andgoods and services on the eShop are provided “as is” and on an “as available”basis without warranties of any kind, and we disclaim all warranties, whetherexpress or implied, to the maximum extent permitted by law, including but notlimited to warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for purpose,non-infringement of intellectual property or proprietary rights,confidentiality or privacy of any communication or information transmitted onthe eShop or any sites linked to the eShop, compatibility between the eShop andany software or hardware, accuracy, reliability or availability of the goodsand services on offer, or arising from the course of dealing or usage of trade.You accept all risk and responsibility for your use of the eShop, including thesubmission of any personal data and credit/ debit card information (whereapplicable).

The materials on the eShop are for generalinformation only and nothing on the eShop contains professional advice or anybinding commitment upon us in relation to the accuracy, reliability oravailability of the products and services on offer or provided by us.

Your use of the eShop is at your own risk.We do not warrant or represent that your access to the eShop will beuninterrupted or error-free or that any information, data, content or othermaterial accessible via the eShop will be free of viruses, bugs, malwares orother harmful components that may interfere with or damage the operation, securityor functionality of your device(s).

You acknowledge that your access to theeShop on your device(s) depends on the mobile network carrier or internet. Youagree that we are not responsible for any delays, interruptions or suspensionof the services available through the eShop which are caused by the failure ofnetwork connectivity. You also agree that we are not responsible for anymalfunctions, failures, difficulties, or lost, stolen or misdirected messages,transmissions or entries, or the security of any communications entered by you.To the fullest extent permitted by law, we shall not be responsible for injury,loss or damage to your device(s), or interception, use or disclosure ofconfidential information (such as credit/ debit card information (whereapplicable) or other personality identifiable information), arising out of youruse of the eShop or any sites linked or associated with the eShop.


Limitation of Liability

Notwithstanding all efforts made by us toensure the security, functionality and accuracy of the eShop, and to thefullest extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable to you or to anyone(whether in tort, contract, equity, or otherwise) for any loss or damage ofwhatsoever amount (including but not limited to direct or indirect loss, lossof profits or data, or special, incidental, exemplary, punitive orconsequential loss) arising out of or in connection with (i) any use, referenceto or reliance on any content or materials on the eShop; (ii) any inaccuracies,omissions, mis-statements or errors in any content or materials on the eShop;(iii) the access to or use of the eShop or its digital functions; (iv) theaccess to or use of any information held on or through the eShop byunauthorized third parties; (v) any delays, disruptions, defects, failures, ortechnical errors caused by the eShop; (vi) any acts, omissions, errors,warranties, representations, breaches or negligence of third parties or anyinjury, illness, death, loss or damage arising from your use of any third partywebsites, applications, products or services available on the eShop; or (vii)the performance or non-performance by us with respect to products or servicesavailable on the eShop; even if you have been advised of the possibility of anyor all of the foregoing.

To the fullest extent permitted by law, youhereby waive any and all rights to bring any claim or action related to theeShop in any forum beyond one year after the first occurrence of the kind ofact, event, condition or omission upon which such claim or action is based.



You agree to indemnify and keep us, ourparent company, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, representatives,employees, and agents indemnified from and against any liability, loss, claim,dispute, demand, damage or cost (including without limitation legal fees) whicharises out of or is caused by your breach of the Terms and Conditions, your useof the eShop or your violation of any laws or third party rights.


Governing Law

The Terms and Conditions shall be governedby and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region.



We retain our right to exercise or enforceany right contained in the Terms and Conditions. In the event that we fail totake action, it shall not be deemed as a waiver of our right or prevent us fromtaking subsequent action in respect of that right or of any other right.

In the event of any provision of the Termsand Conditions being found by any court or administrative body of competentjurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, the invalidity or unenforceabilityof such provision shall not affect the other provisions of the Terms andConditions. All provisions not affected by such invalidity or unenforceabilityshall remain in full force and effect.

The Terms and Conditions are written in theEnglish language and may be translated into Chinese language. In the event ofany inconsistency between the English version and the Chinese version, theEnglish version shall prevail.

If you have any queries or concernse aboutthe eShop, please contact the Customer Service Representative by email at mb.cs.2021@megabox.com.hk or by telephone at 2989 3000.

Version Date: 24 Sep 2021



本個人資料收集聲明(下稱「本聲明」)適用於MegaBox Development Limited(下稱「MegaBox」或「我們」)就此聲明所列明之目的及用途從閣下處收集或閣下向我們提供的任何個人資料。 




「個人資料」是任何有關於閣下並能夠辨認 閣下身份的資料。我們可能向閣下收集的個人資料包括閣下的名字、電郵及聯絡電話。 


「非個人資料」包括於使用本網站時的資料/數據,如存取時間、曾瀏覽的網頁、網絡協議位址(IP address)、瀏覽器類別、操作系統及人口統計等。此等非個人資料並不能個別辨認閣下身份或任何瀏覽本網站的個別訪客之身份。我們只會收集此等非個人資料作定制、提升、維護、改善及優化本網站的用途,並用作客戶統計及網站使用分析。本聲明並不會對我們收集及使用該等非個人資料構成任何限制或局限。 


• 為促進閣下與我們之溝通。
• 為進行及處理閣下之訂單、請求及查詢事項。 
• 為閣下執行及完成商業交易之條款。• 為處理我們提供之任何產品及服務的付款。 
• 為讓閣下使用我們於任何網站、軟件或其他電訊渠道提供的網上服務。 
• 為任何我們向閣下提供的產品、服務或資料,或任何閣下向我們提供之資料作身份核實用途。 
• 為我們内部管理或行政管理用途,以營運、檢討及改善我們的產品及服務,包括但不限於就此用途向閣下發送之問卷調查。 
• 為我們履行及遵守法律義務以預防、偵查及調查罪案,以及分析與管理商業風險之用。 
• 與上述各項有關的任何其他附帶或相關之目的。 



• 我們認為與上文所述之目的及/或服務有關的少數子公司及附屬公司,並以按需知密的原則披露。 
• 需要利用相關資料以向我們提供網站服務、支援,及/或維護伺服器、資料庫、數據庫及數據管理系統的子公司、附屬公司或我們所聘請的第三者服務供應商或供應者。 
• 為協助我們更好地管理、支援或發展業務,及遵守所相關法律及監管義務的顧問,包括會計師、核數師、律師、專業顧問及業務夥伴。 
• 為遵守任何相關法律、規例、法庭命令、司法請求,或為保障我們的權利及資產而向政府機關、執法機構或監管機構披露。 
• 其他獲閣下同意、指示或授權予以披露閣下個人資料之人士或機構。 
• 我們的業務、子公司及附屬公司於重整、合併、轉移過程或談判過程中的(準)買家或(準)承讓人。 
• 其他適用法律和規例所允許或要求之人士或機構。 



大部份瀏覽器最初設定是接受Cookies。 閣下可以透過更改Cookies設定選擇不接受網頁的Cookies。但若閣下選擇關閉其電腦/電子裝置接受Cookies的設定, 閣下可能無法使用網頁上的某些功能。 





傳真:(852) 2967 1687 




This Personal Data Collection Statement (“PICS”) applies to any personal data provided or collected by MegaBox Development Co. Ltd (referred to in this PICS as “MegaBox”, “we” or “us”) for or in relation to the purposes set out in this PICS. 

We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of any personal information that we collect from you or that you provide to us. We are equally committed to ensuring that all our employees and any third party service providers who may be engaged by us also respects your privacy. Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (the "Ordinance"), we have certain legal obligations regarding the collection and use of personal data. 

By providing us with your personal information, you are agreeing with and accepting the terms of our PICS. If you do not agree with or accept the terms of our PICS, please do not submit your personal information to us. 

What Kind Of Information Is Collected?

We receive and collect two basic types of information from you, namely, “Personal Data” and “Non-Personal Data”. 

“Personal Data” is any information that relates to you and can individually identify you. The personal data we collect from you may include your name, email address, and telephone number. 

You may choose not to provide your personal information to us. However, in general, the personal information which we request from you is necessary for the relevant purposes listed in the next section. As such, it is mandatory for you to provide your personal data for such purposes. Otherwise, we cannot properly provide our services to you for the relevant purposes. 

 “Non-Personal Data” includes information/ data about your use of our website such as your access time, page(s) visited, IP address, browser type, operating system and demographics etc. Such Non-personal Data do not individually identify you and any particular visitor of our website. We only and collect and use these Non-Personal Data for customizing, enhancing, maintaining, improving and optimizing the quality of our website and to compile statistics about our customers and to analyse site usage. The PICS in no way restricts or limits our collection and use of such Non-Personal Data. 

What Are Our Purposes For Collecting and Using Your Personal data?

• Mutual communications between you and MegaBox. 
• Process your orders, requests or enquiries. 
• Enforce and perform the terms of commercial dealings with you. 
• Facilitate payment for products and services supplied to you. 
• Facilitate your use of online services available at any of our website(s), software(s), or through other telecommunication channels. 
• Verify identity in connection with any of the products, services or information that may be supplied to you or required from us. 
• Use for our internal management or administrative purposes to maintain, evaluate and improve products and services from our company, including but not limited to sending surveys and questionnaires to you for such purpose. 
• Use for our legal compliance obligations to which we are subject for in relation to the prevention, detection and investigation of crime and the analysis and management of commercial risks. 
 • Use for any other incidental or associated purposes relating to the above. 

Who We May Disclose Your Personal Data To? 

We will not provide, transfer or disclose your Personal Data collected to any third parties, except under any of the following situations: 

• To a limited number of our subsidiaries and associated companies that we consider appropriate and relevant in connection with the purposes and /or any of the services that are stated in the previous section, but we shall only do so on a need to know basis. 
• To our subsidiaries and associated companies or third party service provider(s) engaged by us who need access to such information to provide services for or in relation to the website(s) or to provide information technology support to us, and /or to conduct maintenance of our servers, data banks, data bases and data management system. 
• To our advisors, which includes our accountants, auditors, lawyers, other professional advisors and business contacts for the purpose of assisting us to better manage, support or develop our business and comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. 
• To government or other law enforcement or regulatory authorities for the purpose of complying with any applicable laws or regulations or court orders or lawful requests or to protect our rights or properties. 
• To any other party at your consent or at your direction or whom you authorise us to disclose your personal data to. 
• To (actual or prospective) purchaser(s)/assignee(s) as part of, or during negotiation of, reorganisation, merger or transfer of our business or interest in our subsidiaries and associated companies. 
• Otherwise as permitted or required by any applicable laws or regulations. 

We will not be using, disclosing, providing or transferring your personal data to any third party for use in direct marketing or for any other purposes not set out above unless we have obtained your express voluntary consent to do so. 

Use of Cookies 

Cookies are small computer text files that are sent from a website to the browser of your device (e.g. computer, smart-phone, tablet, as the case may be) and are stored on your computer/device to improve your browsing experience on those websites and to provide the website operator with non-personal data/analytical information to help improve your website browsing experience and the quality of the relevant website(s). 

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. You may choose not to accept cookies from the website(s) by changing your cookies setting. However, if you choose to disable cookies on your computer/device, you may find that some features and functions of the website(s) may not work properly. 

Links To Other Websites 

When you are browsing on our website and when you click on the hyperlinks to the other companies or organisations etc. listed in the information provided in our website and be directed to those websites that are not controlled or managed by us, this PICS does not apply to those websites that may independently collect or solicit both personal and non-personal data from you. If you visit those websites, you should consult their privacy policies before providing your personal data on those other websites. We shall not be liable in relation your activities on those other websites. 

Your Rights To Request Access To and Correction Of Personal Data 

You have the right to request and access to and/or correction of your personal data held by us. If you wish to request access to and/or correction of your personal data or if you have any enquiries regarding this PICS, please contact our Personal Data Privacy Officer by email or by post or fax to the addresses set out below. Please mark “Confidential: Personal Data Access/Correction/Enquiries” on your correspondence:- 

Email: mb.promotion@megabox.com.hk 

Post: Unit 15, L11 
Enterprise Square 5 
38 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay 

Fax: (852) 2967 1687 

Revision And Interpretation of PICS 

We reserve the right to change the terms of our PICS at any time. Your continued provision of your personal information to us following the posting of the changes to the terms of our PICS means you agree with and accept our changes and the latest version of our PICS. 

If there is any inconsistency or ambiguity between the English version and the Chinese version of the PICS, the English Version shall prevail. 

Version Date: 24 Sep 2021